
Friday, April 1, 2016

Straight march or Parade heterosexuals?

Kyiv, Ukraine - Ukrainian social movement "LIUBOV" organized and hosted a march for the supporters of Love between men and women. During the march, participants were carrying flags with big letters HS.

Just before the march took place a meeting near the monument to Taras Shevchenko. At the meeting were prominent representatives of Ukrainian heterosexual movement. Ukrainian Law Blog took a blitz interview with the founder of the social movement "LIUBOV" - Taras Pruten.

ULB: Mr. Taras how you have got the idea of creating a such movement as "LIUBOV". Do not you think that you challenge the whole society. After all, love between a man and a woman is unnatural in the modern world. Do not you afraid to stand alone or be ostracized for advocating the love between man and woman?

TP: Fear not. Of course, there took place some fears. Our movement for a long time there were underground and only a year ago, we openly declared themselves. But today's rally and march dispelled my fears. And you can see how many men and women share our values. There were even funny situations today. Participants of the meeting presented the police small flags with the inscription HETERO-2016, KYIV, UKRAINE. And the police escorted the marchers with these flags in their hands. Moreover, it was found that Kyiv Mayor married to a woman, and he dared to openly admit it. He was at the forefront with a flag in his hand and he kissed girls.

ULB: Yes, that goes without saying. Mer is a brave man. And besides, he is a world boxing champion. Better get back to your person. Mr. Taras, what are your plans for the near future?

TP: In the next elections we expect to take 35-40 seats in the city council. This will allow us to realize our approaches in the sphere of social relations. Of course we are aware of how it is a long way .. But we believe in love. And by the way the name of our movement "LIUBOV" just means LOVE.

ULB: Thank you for the interview. I wish you success!

TP: Long live the innovation in social relations!

(This post not in any way intended to insult the feelings, dignity, moral or any other values and beliefs of anyone. This post is a joke on April 1.)

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