
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Statement by the HR/VP Federica Mogherini on the situation in Syria

The new spike of violence and actions undermining the cessation of hostilities, notably the Syrian regime's most recent offensives near Aleppo and east of Damascus, put the peace talks at risk, as the UN Special Envoy de Mistura has said.

People of Syria are once more living in fear of their lives, after the glimpse of the benefits peace could bring.

Returning to the fighting will achieve nothing but greater cost in human lives, and is only delaying the negotiations that are the only way to bring peace to the people of Syria.

The cessation of hostilities is indispensable for creating an enabling environment for negotiations and for full, sustained and unimpeded humanitarian access throughout Syria.

The parties' commitment to the cessation of hostilities is also crucial to deliver on the confidence building measures agreed by the UN Security Council, notably the release of all arbitrarily detained persons, starting with women and children.

Pressure should be brought on all parties to respect the cessation of hostilities, resume talks in good faith and make the work of the UN Special Envoy in facilitating agreement between the Syrian parties possible.

We have a unique opportunity that must not be missed.

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