Monday, April 18, 2016

Sowing of early grain crops fulfilled in the area of 2.3 million hectares in Ukraine

As of 18.04.2016 the sowing of early grain crops has been fulfilled in the area of  2.3, or  92% of the forecast (against 2.0 million hectares in 2015), namely: wheat – in the territory of 156 thousand hectares or 90% (in 2015 – 133 thousand hectares), barley – 1.7 million hectares or  90% (in 2015 – 1.5 million hectares), oats – 204 thousand hectares or 94% (in 2015 – 200 thousand hectares) and peas – 217 thousand hectares or 113% (in 2015  – 165 thousand hectares).
The largest area planted is in Dnipropetrovsk region – 221.4 thousand hectares (88% of the forecast), Kharkov region – 210.6 thousand hectares(90%), Zaporizhzhya region – 186.4 thousand hectares  (93%), Kherson region – 148.0 thousand hectares (86%), Odesa region – 138.2 thousand hectares (101%) and Mykolayiv region – 136.1 thousand hectares (91%).

Moreover, sugar beets have also been sown in the territory of 259 thousand hectares, or 96% of the forecast (in 2015 – 170 thousand hectares), sunflowers – 1.6 thousand hectares, or 32% (in 2015 – 475 thousand hectares).
The planting of corn for grain has been fulfilled in the area of 907 thousand hectares, or 20% of the forecast (in 2015 – 120 thousand hectares).
The planting of soy has recently begun in the territory of 132 thousand hectares, or 7% of the forecast.

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