
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Savchenko reportedly gets documents for extradition to Ukraine – lawyer

Ukrainian pilot, MP Nadia Savchenko's lawyer Ilya Novikov claims his client has reportedly received documents for extradition to Ukraine and forecasts that she may return home in the second half of May.

"Vera Savchenko has visited her sister. Nadia feels better. She has reportedly been given documents to be filled in as preparations for extradition to Ukraine. I cannot confirm this information as 100% true – we haven't seen the documents, but it looks like the truth. The agreements reached by Presidents Poroshenko and Putin, announced a week ago, seem to be working. There is every chance of Nadia's returning home as early as in the second half of May," he wrote on Facebook on Wednesday evening.

As UNIAN reported earlier, a Russian court on March 22 sentenced Savchenko to 22 years in prison, accusing her of allegedly killing Russian journalists in Ukraine's Luhansk region in 2014.

Savchenko has recently ceased her 12-day "dry" hunger strike she began in protest against the Russian court's verdict.

On April 24, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced he had agreed with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on how and when Savchenko would be freed. Poroshenko shared the information with Savchenko's mother and sister.


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