Thursday, April 14, 2016

Petro Poroshenko: Course for European and Euroatlantic integration, reforms and profound internal Europeanization of Ukraine are unwavering tasks of the new Government

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko emphasized that the new Government would face large-scale and impressing tasks in the implementation of reforms.
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko emphasized that the new Government would face large-scale and impressing tasks in the implementation of reforms.
“I would like to deliver a message to the country and the whole world from this high tribune. The new Government, just as the previous one, will follow the course of European and Euroatlantic integration, reforms and profound internal Europeanization of Ukraine. No comma will be changed in the documents stipulating the foundations of foreign and internal policy,” Petro Poroshenko noted in the Parliament in the course of the consideration of the issue of the appointment of new Prime Minister and Cabinet of Ministers.
According to the President, introduction of the post of Vice Prime Minister responsible for European and Euroatlantic integration “is not only a symbolic gesture, but also a practical step to bring all our governmental decisions to the common European denominator”.

The Agreement on Political Association and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area is as important document for every minister as the Constitution of Ukraine, coalition agreement or program of actions of the Government,” the Head of State said. Cooperation with the IMF and other international credit organizations that ensure financial support for Ukrainian reforms has no alternatives.
The President and the entire society expect the new Government to increase the welfare of people and raise the economy. The strategy of survival justified in 2014-2015 should be changed by the strategy of accelerated development. “We will cope with this task only when the Government achieves significant improvement of the investment climate,” the Head of State stressed.
According to the President, the key element for that is the struggle against corruption. “A series of new institutions have been created, particularly the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecution, National Agency for Prevention of Corruption," as stated by Petro Poroshenko.
At the same time, the President emphasized that the function of the Government in the issue of struggle against corruption was broader. "It must adopt decisions that eliminate the basis for corruption. It goes about transparent and highly competitive privatization; transparent management of state enterprises; enlargement of the volume of e-procurement; efficient motivation for civil servants who are now startingto work under the new law," he said.
The Head of State stressed that the National Council of Reforms remained a platform for drafting reforms. In a week or two he expects it to be rebooted.
The priorities for the Government are the improvement of business conditions and deregulation: "The space for positive changes in relations between taxpayers and those who collect taxes is limitless".
The President thanked people's dpeuties for establishing a new coalition: "We will have a politically responsible Government. Two political forces agreed to bear this responsibility and form a new coalition with non-faction deputies".
According to the Head of State, the coalition proposes Volodymyr Groysman for Prime Minister. "Volodymyr Groysman is a politician of new generation. Probably, he will become the youngest Prime Minister of Ukraine. At the same time, he has a great experience: one of the best mayors of regional centers with the highest level of support of citizens, top-manager of the decentralization reform at the post of Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development," the President said.
In accordance to his powers, Petro Poroshenko proposes Stepan Poltorak and Pavlo Klimkin for the posts of Minister of Defense and Minister of Foreign Affairs. "This military-diplomatic tandem has already proved its efficiency," he noted.

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