
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Denmark will continue providing support to Ukraine in its reformation

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko held negotiations with Prime Minister of Denmark Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

The parties discussed the situation in Donbas and the implementation of the Minsk agreements. The Head of State informed on the lasting escalation of the situation in the area of conflict where pro-Russian militants continue shelling the positions of Ukraine and sabotaging the agreements. “Despite provocations from the other side, the Ukrainian party keeps fulfilling its obligations strictly,” the President said.

The Head of State noted that Ukraine was grateful for the clear position of Denmark on the necessity of continuation of sanctions against Russia for the non-fulfillment of its obligations under the Minsk agreements. “We consider sanctions not as an instrument of punishment, but as a motivation for Russia to stay at the negotiating table,” the President stressed.

The President expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister of Denmark for the position of principle in the context of the non-recognition of the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia and for supporting Ukraine’s efforts aimed at the liberation of the peninsula and protection of human rights there. “Yesterday, another red line has been crossed and the functioning of the Mejlis has been forbidden,” the President informed on another violation of human rights and freedoms in Crimea.

The parties urged Russia to liberate Ukrainian citizens illegally retained in Russia, particularly Nadiya Savchenko and Oleg Sentsov, as well as prisoners of war in Donbas.

In the course of the meeting, the parties discussed the Association Agreement that has already started functioning within provisional application and brought the first results. “We are opening the European market rapidly and it is a two-way road,” the Head of State noted.

Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that the EU keeps opening for Ukrainians. In the coming days, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker will submit respective legislative proposals on the visa-free regime for consideration by the Council of the EU and European Parliament.

The Head of State thanked Copenhagen for its solidarity with Ukraine in the issue of the entry into force of the Association Agreement. “This process cannot be stopped. In this regard, the Dutch referendum is not an insurmountable circumstance, because all 27 EU member-states have ratified the Agreement,” he said.

The President thanked the Danish Government for providing technical assistance to Ukrainian reforms and humanitarian support for people who live in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

The Head of State noted the activity of the Ukrainian-Danish energy center as a successful project of technical assistance of Denmark, which facilitates the improvement of Ukraine’s energy policy.

Petro Poroshenko invited Danish business to continue investing in Ukraine and opening new opportunities in Ukraine: “Today, the Ukrainian-Danish Business Forum 2016 is taking place in Kyiv under the patronage of the Prime Ministers of Ukraine and Demark. I am confident that it will open the Ukrainian market for Danish investors and establish direct business contacts between our states”.

In his turn, Lars Løkke Rasmussen emphasized that his country firmly supported Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. According to him, Copenhagen stands for the continuation of sanctions against Russia until full implementation of its obligations under the Minsk agreements.

The Prime Minister of Denmark informed that he had held a fruitful meeting with newly appointed Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman. He believes this meeting will intensify bilateral relations between the two states.
Lars Løkke Rasmussen noted a significant success of Ukraine in the transformation of the Ukrainian society in the last two years and creation of favorable investment climate. The Prime Minister of Denmark stressed the importance of continuing reforms.

Over 30 representatives of Danish companies interested in investing in Ukraine are accompanying the Prime Minister of Denmark in the course of his visit to Ukraine. “It is very symbolic. It opens huge potential for increasing the volume of investments in Ukraine and bilateral trade,” the Prime Minister of Denmark said. At the same time, this interest has been increased after the entry into force of the Association and DCFTA Agreement between Ukraine and the EU on January 1, as stated by the Prime Minister.

Lars Løkke Rasmussen assured that Denmark would support the immediate adoption of the decision on the establishment of the visa-free regime for Ukrainian citizens by the Council of the European Union and European Parliament.

The Prime Minister of Denmark has made the first visit to Ukraine in the history of bilateral relations between the two countries.

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