
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Address of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk: I resign as Prime Minister

Dear Ukrainian people,

Dear citizens,

The true power of a person is always found in his spirit and character. We will overcome because the spirit of our people is strong.

I believe commitment to national principles and determination are the essence of a true national leader.

I have taken the decision to resign as Prime Minister of Ukraine. On Tuesday, April 12 my request will be submitted to the Parliament.

My decision was predicated by several issues. The political crisis in the country was created artificially. The desire to change one person blinded politicians and paralyzed their political will for real change.

The process of changing the Government turned into a mindless running in place. The authors of the crisis became hostages of these circumstances and hold all of us hostage – the Government, society, and the state.

Regardless of the circumstances, the absurdity of the situation, and the groundless accusations, I presented a plan to overcome the crisis. I said to the country, to the President, and to the Parliament: I do not cling to power. Leading the Government is an incredible responsibility. It is an instrument, not a privilege.

We cannot allow destabilization of the executive branch during a war. This would be inevitable, if after this resignation a new Government of Ukraine is not selected immediately.

However, a resolution of this situation is finally within reach. The coalition majority in Parliament is being renewed. A new agreement is based on the purposes and principles of our Cabinet of Minister’s program.

The Parliamentary faction of the Block of Petro Poroshenko has nominated Volodymyr Groysman to the post of Prime Minister.

Having done everything to ensure stability and continuity of our course, I declare my decision to transfer the obligations and responsibilities of the Head of Government of Ukraine.

Over the past two years of war, my fellow party members from People’s Front faction have been a pillar of support to the Government in Parliament during difficult unpopular, but necessary reforms.  Our faction has shown spirit and character. Our patriotism can be found in our actions. We love our country. Ratings are a temporaryphenomena.

We demonstrated unity, responsibility for our word, and the capacity to take the most difficult decisions. We acted honestly, did not fight against our allies, and did not descend into defamation. We responded clearly and transparently to every accusation or suspicion, providing an example for others to follow. These standards set the bar too high for many of our partners.

I thank People’s Front for its support.  Please support my decision and continue our joint work together.  People's Front remains in the coalition because today it is the only way to defend the state.
I am proud of the results of our Government.  Much of our work will be appreciated in the future. 

I thank our nation, society, civil society activists, volunteers; I thank each and every one of you for your endurance and patience.

We accomplished almost the impossible. We defended our state. We created a new army and police. We ensuredUkraine’s energy independence from Russia. As responsible managers of our country, we implemented austerity measures and saved sizeable amount of finances for the development of the state. We shed the nomenclature inequality. We saved the economy from default. We began large-scale structural changes. We did everything to make our European choice irreversible. Despite the war and the temporary loss of territories, we created the conditions for economic recovery.

I thank those colleagues who have acted honestly and selflessly. I’m grateful to all the professional teams within the Government. Both of the last two Cabinets were unique. They were the first manifestations of New Ukraine.

As Head of the Government, I faithfully executed my responsibilities.

I resign as Prime Minister. With dignity I confirm my personal, national duty to the state.

As of today my goals are broader than the authority of the Head of Government. New electoral law. Constitutional reform. Judicial reform. Coalition control over the direction of the new Government. International support ofUkraine. Ukraine’s membership in the European Union and NATO. This is only a part of my program.

The core of our problems is not purely political. It is ethical. As in our everyday lives, politics is the result of morality - our ethical standards. If dignity and morality require changing the political rules, then changing these rules is certain to occur.

These changes are being made by millions of determined minds. I am confident of the strength of the new generation and new Ukrainian era. I am confident that our actions are correct. I am confident of the wisdom, sound judgment, and fairness of our society.

May God watch over each of our families and every one of us.

May God protect and defend our military.

May God give us strength of spirit and protect Ukraine.

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