
Monday, March 28, 2016

Presidents of Ukraine and Bulgaria: We stand together and together we are strong

The Head of State held negotiations with President of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev who is on a working visit to Ukraine. Petro Poroshenko expressed gratitude to the President, Government and people of Bulgaria for consistent and firm support for Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence.

The President emphasized that sanctions against Russia must be continued until full implementation of the Minsk agreements.

The parties underlined the inadmissibility of the illegal annexation of Crimea and human rights violation. They agreed to further coordinate joint actions in the international arena for the return of Crimea to Ukraine.
The President informed his Bulgarian colleague on the critical humanitarian situation on the peninsula.
The parties discussed ways to accelerate the introduction of the visa-free regime for Ukrainians by the EU that will significantly intensify tourist and business exchange.
In his turn, the President of Bulgaria emphasized that his country had always been supporting Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty in both the EU and the UN. "Crimea is Ukraine and Ukraine is Europe," he said noting his active position of countering Russian aggression.
"We cannot put up with the aggressive behavior of Russia. We will struggle for Ukraine's independence and sovereignty," Rosen Plevneliev emphasized.
The President of Bulgaria noted that his country insisted on immediate liberation of Nadiya Savchenko and other Ukrainians from Russian prisons.
"We stand together and together we are strong," the President of Bulgaria said.
Rosen Plevneliev expressed gratitude to Ukrainians for their assistance to Bulgaria in its struggle for independence in the XV and XIX centuries. "We have a common history. Our friendship has ancient roots," he noted adding that the Bulgarian minority is well-integrated in Ukraine being the biggest Bulgarian Diaspora in the world.
The President of Ukraine congratulated his colleague on receiving the international prize in the sphere of socio-political activities "Man of the Year 2015" awarded for the protection of Ukraine's interests at the highest international level.
The parties praised the level of bilateral relations and mutual willingness to further develop them. They particularly noted the restoration of aviation connection between Kyiv and Sofia in December 2015 and a dynamic development of tourist sphere between the two countries. The parties agreed on the participation of Bulgarian advisors in the implementation of economic reforms in Ukraine.

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