
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bloomberg: Wanted in the US, Firtash wants to end exile (VIDEO)

A billionaire Ukrainian living in Austria has told Bloomberg he wants to end his self-imposed exile and return to his own country.

The following is a transcript of Dmytro Firtash's remarks:
"It is clear that the current government is politically bankrupt. One cannot expect anything from this government. This government has brought the country to the edge of catastrophe. 

If they remain in power longer, this will only make things worse. They had two years to prove themselves. And they showed themselves as lacking talent, helpless, not able to do anything other than PR. 

They are not independent and they cannot make right decisions. I am not happy with the fact that our country is being governed from abroad, that Americans are governing Ukraine. They may be very smart. I don't have anything against the U.S., but there is a problem. Ukraine is still an independent country. 

And these are Ukrainians who should govern Ukraine and not be under external management. As the past two years have shown, Ukraine is not a successful project. America failed to accomplish this task. Instead of providing a solution, it created a battlefield. It destroys everything, economically and politically. It destroys the country. It made the country poor. 

This is not the only situation of that kind. Just look at Syria and Iran. The handwriting is the same."

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