
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Yatsenyuk names required principles for Cabinet team to continue its work

In a Sunday’s televised address Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk said that the  principles is ready to continue its work under five principles, according to the prime minister’s press service.

According to Yatsenyuk, the first principle is the lack of political pressure and political corruption: "Each minister appointed by the coalition, bears overall responsibility for the area of his work and for the policy, which he defines in the industry. None of the political figures, none of the businessmen who have their own interests, have the right to put pressure on a minister and forcing them to take the decisions that contradict with the minister’s policy and the Ukrainian interests."

"No more political quotas in state governing bodies. No political and business interests in the management of state-owned companies and state banks," he added.

The second principle is a "zero tolerance toward corruption – both political and economic."
"Any appointment to the state-owned companies will be carried out exclusively through an independent nominating committee. So, 60 of the largest state-owned companies will have new and independent managers. Independent of both the political factions and parties, and from business groups and business elites," said the prime minister.

At the same time, he stressed that "fair and transparent privatization" should start in Ukraine in 2016.

"Odesa Portside Chemical Plant should be put to privatization, as well as Centrenergo company, and other energy companies," he said.

"Parliament should pass a law that allows a strategic investor to purchase state-owned companies in the open and fair transparent tenders in order to attract foreign investment, create new jobs, modernize the Ukrainian economy and rid the state of political influence and a status of feeding mothers for different political parties and forces," said Yatsenyuk.

The third principle is the principle of "full transparency of the activity of the officials from executive authorities, local self-government and the members of parliament of Ukraine."

"We must overcome the rule of “law by telephone” and any attempt of shadow arrangements in the backstage of transparent Ukrainian politics," the head of government stressed.

For this purpose, according to Yatsenyuk, the Cabinet has decided on the introduction of a code of ethical conduct for public servants and is submitting to the Verkhovna Rada of the Code of the Politician’s Integrity.

"These solutions provide for mandatory record all meetings and negotiations, politicians and heads of state power in Ukraine", - he said.

The fourth principle is the principle of responsibility.

"This means that the government fulfills its part of the job as the executive branch of power. But the Ukrainian parliament votes for the laws that are necessary for carrying out reforms in the country and confides in the government, which it has formed. It also helps the government to change the country and implement decisions that are right for Ukraine," said Yatsenyuk.

The fifth principle, he said, is the principle of separation of authority.

"The President of Ukraine is the Head of the Ukrainian State. While the Cabinet of Ministers is responsible before the president," he said.

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