
Saturday, February 27, 2016

UCC Statement – Two Years of Russia’s War Against Ukraine

February 26, 2016 – OTTAWA. The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) issued the following statement on the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:
Two years ago, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. Violating international law and several international treaties, Russian forces moved on sovereign Ukrainian territory in the Crimea. Crimea remains occupied by Russian forces to this day. The local population, especially the indigenous Crimean Tatar People, ethnic Ukrainians and all those who dare to oppose Russia’s occupation, are subject to terror and repression.

Today, in the eastern Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk, Russia’s armies continue to wage war against Ukraine. Russia routinely violates the Minsk ceasefire agreements and every day, Russian shells rain down upon Ukrainian military positions. Over 9,000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have been killed, tens of thousands wounded, and 1.5 million displaced from their homes.
The people of Ukraine have responded to Russia’s ruthless aggression with bravery and determination. Their unity of purpose ensures that Ukraine will never again be subjugated to Moscow’s tyranny.
We call on the leaders of Canada, the United States, and their NATO allies to
1.    Provide Ukraine with the defensive weapons it needs to defend its territory and Ukraine’s civilian population from Russia’s attack;
2.    Increase training of Ukrainian military personnel;
3.    Increase sectoral sanctions against Russia’s defense, energy and financial sectors, in particular banning Russia from the SWIFT international banking system.
The UCC underlines its complete solidarity with the people of Ukraine as they bravely battle Russia’s invasion of their country.
To view the Briefing Note provided by the UCC to Canada’s Members of Parliament on Two Years of Russia’s War against Ukraine please see UCC Briefing on Two years of Russia’s War Against Ukraine

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