
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Government extends term for licensing international road traffic

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers in the framework of establishing favorable conditions for doing business has decided to extend the term for the introduction of licensing for international transportation of goods by road.

According to the government's press service, license terms in the field of road transportation, approved by Cabinet resolution No. 1001 of December 2, 2015, foresee that within two months from the date of their entry into force international road carriers must obtain licenses, while licensees should provide documents and information on bringing their activities in compliance with licensing terms to licensing authorities.

"But in fact, during this period measures to reorganize executive authorities have been held, afterwards the Cabinet by its decree No. 1191 dated December 30, 2015 defined the State Inspectorate of Ukraine for Road Transport Safety as a licensing authority. In connection with the reorganization measures, licensing in the field of road transportation have not been performed within a certain period," reads the report.

To solve the problem situation, the government by decree No. 42 of February 4, 2016 amended the license conditions and extended the terms from two to six months.

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