
Friday, February 26, 2016

European Parliament will host a "Ukraine week"

In line with democracy support activities the European Parliament will welcome next week Ukrainian MPs for a joint 3 days high-level conference (29 February – 2 March) on capacity-building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. “Ukraine week” will allow MEPs, national MPs and representatives from other EU institutions to share their experience with more than 40 Ukrainian parliamentarians, including the leadership of Ukrainian parliament, on good parliamentary practices, law-making and representation.

Last July EP President Martin Schulz and Volodymyr Groysman, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada (VRU), signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at strengthening the Ukrainian parliament's constitutional role of law-making, oversight and representation.

In line with the Memorandum former EP President Pat Cox prepared a report and a roadmap on capacity-building. It will be presented during “Ukraine week” and will form the basis of a first round of high-level discussions in identified areas.

Ahead of the event on Monday (29 February) at 3 pm. P. Cox will give an advanced briefing on the main conclusions of his report to media and public (room PHS 3C050).

The opening of the conference co-chaired by Elmar Brok, Chair of EP Foreign Affairs Committee, and Andrej Plenković, Chair of the EP delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee, will take place on Monday (29 February) at 16:30. M.Schulz, V.Groysman, P.Cox and Commissioner Johannes Hahn (European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations) will give the keynote speeches.

It will be followed by a joint M.Schulz and V.Groysman press point and later by a press conference of the Heads of political factions of the Verkhovna Rada and A. Plenković.

Tuesday (1 March) will be dedicated to a high level debates, where six panels will address such topics as the relations between the legislative and the executive, the representation role of a Parliament or the role of its secretariat.

“Ukraine week” will end on Wednesday (2 March) by the signature of an "Administrative cooperation agreement" between the European and Ukrainian Parliament's Secretariats.

Following the event, a detailed EP capacity-building programme for the VRU will be developed and implemented under the political guidance of Andrej Plenković.

The draft agenda of "Ukraine week" is available through the link on the right hand side. The event will be webstreamed through EP Live.
REF. : 20160222IPR15363
Updated: (25-02-2016 - 10:32)


Gediminas VILKAS
Press officer
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