
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Development of sea port infrastructure is crucial for increasing export

Yesterday, on February 24th, representatives of “Cargill” company and of the LLC “MV-Cargo” signed an agreement on #foreign_investments to construct a grain terminal at the trade sea port “Yuzhnyi”. 
The signed agreement will allow LLC “MV-Cargo” to launch the construction of the mentioned terminal. The approximate amount to be invested within the framework of the project will reach $100 million.
The signing ceremony was attended by Arseniy Yatseniuk, the Prime- Minister of Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. Ambassador in Ukraine, Andrii Pyvovarsky, the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Oleksii Pavlenko, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Natalie Jaresko, the Minister of Finance of Ukraine, and other officials.

“With the production of 60 million tons of grain products, we are expecting the record level of export this year (estimated at nearly 37 million tons of grain). In other words, about 100 million persons, apart from the citizens of Ukraine, would be provided with Ukrainian grain. As of today, we have exported and loaded on ships nearly 26 million tons of grain”, Oleksii Pavlenko reported.
The Minister reminded that Ukraine is one of the leading exporters of food and holds the third position in terms of grain exports in the world, following the United States and the European Union.
According to the official, the export of agrarian products generates the development of the industry and creates new jobs. This is a significant contribution to the economic stability of the country. That is why the Ministry is engaged in creating conditions for increasing the export potential.
For instance, the Ministry applies the deregulation procedures, obtaining of the permissions to export Ukrainian products to other countries, and, the most important, the attraction of investments in the port logistic, seed plants and processing complexes to this end.
“Last year, the ports of Mykolayiv and Odesa regions launched modern transhipment complexes. This had a positive impact on the overall level of services’ cost for the transhipment of grain cargoes. That is why the Ministry took the direction of stimulating the further development of the transport infrastructure components and implementation of civilized dialogue with businesses”, Oleksii Pavlenko noted.

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