
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ukraine renews its Sapsan missile program

State-owned arms manufacturer Ukroboronprom has teamed up with Pivdenne (Yuzhnoe) Design Bureau up to complete the project of a Sapsan missile complex that was frozen in by Defense Ministry in 2013, Ukroboronprom CEO Roman Romanov has told UNIAN.

"Everything depending on Ukroboronprom under the Sapsan project is being implemented in full and will be completed within the deadlines. The work on the project has been going on long for a long enough period," said Romanov.

As UNIAN reported earlier, the development of a new operational-tactical missile complex, Sapsan, had been launched in 2006, and the start of series production had been scheduled for 2015. In 2013, the program was frozen by ex-Defense Minister Pavlo Lebedev due to inefficient use of budgetary funds. According to project documentation, Sapsan needs UAH 3.7 billion for its completion.

Late 2015, Ukraine’s leaders declared that the defense order for 2016 will give priority to own production of advanced missiles, heavy howitzers, air defense and communication systems, as well as new models of armored vehicles.

In addition, according to Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, development of another project, exceeding Sapsan’s characteristics, is underway in Ukraine.

UNIAN memo. Sapsan is a project of a multifunctional missile complex, using tactical, anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles. The project is designed by Pivdenne (Yuznhoe) Design Bureau together with Pivdenniy (Yuzhniy) Machine-Building Plant named after Makarov. The estimated range of a missile is between 50 km and 480 km.

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