
Monday, January 25, 2016

President on the top priority decisions of the Parliament: judicial reform and visa-free laws

In the interview with Ukrainian TV channels, President Petro Poroshenko noted that he expected the Parliament to consider the constitutional amendments on the judicial reform, adopt the laws necessary for the introduction of the visa-free regime by the EU and the approval of the coalition agreement and the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers.

“We will no more put up with the situation in the judicial sphere. Nobody will accept judicial immunity and absolutely irresponsible behavior in the adoption of judicial decisions, the President noted. He recalled his recent signature of the decree on the dismissal of 4 judges.

In addition, the Decree on the liberation of 28 judges that adopted illegal judicial decisions in the course of the Revolution of Dignity is now being drafted.

The President expects the Parliament to approve the package of documents for the introduction of the visa-free regime by the EU. “The country has been striving for this for a really long time and we will not let anyone cancel the given prospect,” the Head of State emphasized.

The President expects the Parliament to approve the package of laws on the increase of military discipline.

The Head of State also expects the Verkhovna Rada to consider the coalition agreement and, if necessary, make amendments on the composition of the Government. “I’m not going to intervene. It is the responsibility of the parliamentary coalition,” Petro Poroshenko stressed adding that the attempt to undermine the coalition was absolutely irresponsible.

Answering the question regarding the possibility of early parliamentary elections, the President said that the majority of Ukrainians did not welcome that.

“There is a huge amount of work for the Parliament. What is the difference between real parliamentary work and elections? Elections are promises and parliamentary work is their fulfillment. Somebody really enjoys promising. But when you ask them about the results, they suggest organizing elections again. Let’s fulfill our promises,” the President noted.

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