
Friday, December 25, 2015

Yatsenyuk sees 'real de-oligarchization' in making Firtash's Ostchem repay debt

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk claims that the settlement of a dispute between state-run NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine and businessman Dmytro Firtash's Ostchem holding in favor of Naftogaz is an example of "real de-oligarchization."

"I've had a meeting with representatives of the Interior Ministry. We've got something to share. Dmytro Firtash's Ostchem company's debt to NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine has grown to UAH 3 billion since 2010. The Interior Ministry opened a criminal case, seized Ostchem's assets. As a result of this investigation and tough measures, Naftogaz has been repaid all the debts owed by Ostchem. I'd like to thank the minister, the investigators and Naftogaz's head for the state company's obtaining UAH 3 billion which nobody expected to have back. This is a real fight against corruption, this is real de-oligarchization of the country," Yatsenyuk said at a special meeting of the government on Friday.

As UNIAN reported earlier, debts owed by Ostchem to Naftogaz and Gaz Ukrainy were accumulated in 2006-2011 and have not been repaid until now. Ostchem belongs to the top three financial and industrial groups in Ukraine in terms of debts owed to Naftogaz. Late in April 2015, the Cabinet filed a claim, demanding that 500 million cubic meters of gas worth UAH 4.3 billion owned by Ostchem be seized. The claim was the result of an investigation by the Prosecutor General's Office into collusion between Ostchem's representatives and the then top managers from Naftogaz.

Late in May 2015, Firtash's Group DF reported that the Ukrainian authorities had exerted pressure on the group and announced it would stop two factories that produce mineral fertilizers.

Later, the Interior Minister arrested 86 facilities belonging to Firtash's Ostchem.

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