Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Russia and America cannot agree on which rebel groups to invite to Syrian peace talks

A flurry of diplomatic activity in advance of the next stage of talks does not necessarily portend much

A LOT is going on; but whether any of it will really amount to much is hard to say. John Kerry’s visit to Moscow on December 15th, as he tries to prepare the ground for a third round of Syrian peace talks in Vienna, scheduled to open on January 1st, is a case in point. Mr Kerry’s hope is that at this meeting of the euphemistically named, 17-nation International Syrian Support Group (ISSG), agreements will be reached on a general ceasefire and a timetable for political transition. This week, Mr Kerry has been talking optimistically about making “real progress” in narrowing differences with Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, over ways to end the conflict. But there is little sign of it.

A critical disagreement is over which parts of the armed opposition to Bashar al-Assad are deemed sufficiently respectable to be represented in Vienna. Last week, Saudi Arabia sponsored a conference of rebel groups in a bid to form as united a front as possible. Islamic State (IS) and al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra, were not invited to Riyadh, but Ahrar al-Sham and Jaish al-Islam, two powerful armed factions with Salafist roots, were.
The Americans have not yet decided whether outfits of their ilk should be represented. But the Russians are clear that they should not be, and have called upon Washington to end its policy of “dividing terrorists into good guys and bad guys”. That may scupper the chances of Russia attending a pre-Vienna meeting of ministers from ISSG countries in New York that has been pencilled in for December 18th.

For their part, the Russians seem confused about how to treat the West’s preferred group, the Free Syrian Army (FSA). On December 14th Russia’s chief of the general staff, Valery Gerasimov, was reported to have claimed that his country was supplying the FSA with weapons and giving them other material support. The Kremlin later denied it—and the FSA, which is fighting Mr Assad’s Russian- and Iranian-backed forces, said it was still be being bombed by Russian planes.

Meanwhile, also on December 14th, Barack Obama emerged from a rare briefing at the Pentagon on the progress of the campaign against IS to complain that although some of America’s coalition allies were stepping up to the plate, others were not. “France, Germany and the United Kingdom, Australia and Italy are doing more: so must others,” said a frustrated president. The rebuke was aimed squarely at the Sunni Arab members of the coalition, many of whom who have been diverted from fighting IS into supporting the flailing Saudi-led intervention in Yemen. Mr Obama is not looking for Arab armies in Syria, but he thinks Arab states could be doing much more to help forge the more acceptable Syrian rebel factions into a coherent force.

Perhaps in a bid to stem off such criticism, the Saudis simultaneously announced the formation of a 34-nation alliance of mainly Islamic countries from Asia, Africa and the Arab world (but not Iran or Oman) to fight terrorism. The energetic young Saudi defence minister, Muhammad bin Salman, said that the new coalition would co-ordinate counter-terrorist efforts in Syria, Iraq, Sinai, Yemen, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Apart from the aim of establishing a joint operations centre in Riyadh, further details have yet to emerge. Quite what practical, as opposed to rhetorical, purpose such an alliance will serve has not been explained. It is, however, unlikely to make poor Mr Kerry’s Herculean labours any easier. 

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