
Friday, December 4, 2015

Mogherini backs key role of NGOs in fight for human rights

High Representative Federica Mogherini today gave strong messages of support to Non-Governmental Organisations working in the field of Human Rights, telling the 17th EU-NGO Forum on Human Rights that "civil society has a crucial role to play in our foreign policy. It is not only a key player, but also a main driver for change in all societies, in terms of democracy, good governance, resilience, cohesion, promotion of fundamental human rights."

Mogherini told her audience that civil society organisations have a crucial role to play in the fight against radicalisation and terrorism. "To defeat terror we surely need law enforcement tools, and this is something everybody is very much focusing on in these days. But this has to go hand in hand with a deep, under-the-radar work inside societies: a work to secure inclusion and open spaces for participation and expression to all. Freedom of expression is one of the most powerful weapons against radicalisation and terrorist propaganda. To better protect our citizens we need above all to build strong democratic institutions and a healthy democratic dialogue," she said.

The High Representative recognised that this has not been an easy year for human rights in Europe, given the humanitarian crisis inside Europe’s own borders, but she underlined that the EU needs to meet this challenge for the sake of its credibility as a champion of human rights. "If we don't guarantee the highest human rights' standards in Europe, our external action will also be weakened."

She also called for renewed efforts to fight attempts to control the work of civil society in many countries around the world.

"I personally and relentlessly raise the issue of human rights in all my visits and meetings, with all interlocutors, beyond any strategic considerations. But our strategy for human rights cannot be limited to being vocal. Issuing a strongly-worded statement is not always and necessarily the most effective tool we have. We need to work case by case, country by country, to find the right mix between vocal statements and engagement with local authorities. I couldn't be more serious on this: this is about human lives, the lives of people fighting for human rights."

The EU’s second Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy outlines its priorities on human rights in external action and details a strategy for the years to come. It commits to the mainstreaming of human rights into all EU policies, and this includes development co-operation, migration, counterterrorism, trade. It puts high on the agenda the promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment.

"At the same time, our work does not end – but begins with the adoption of the Action Plan. The real job begins today. Putting it into practice will be a living process, where all actors can and should make their contribution. I need you to be part of this process, together with the EU institutions, EU Member States, national institutions and local authorities. We also need to make the EU commitment to human rights more visible. In this respect, I am envisaging for 2016 a number of public events related to the Action Plan's key priorities," Mogherini concluded.

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