
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Joint statement by President of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine and Chairman of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Fellow Ukrainians!
In the passing year, due to the joint actions of the President, Verkhovna Rada and Cabinet of Ministers, we managed to stop the offensive of the aggressor. Restored Armed Forces received proper funding from the state budget. We created the international coalition in support of Ukraine. In difficult negotiations with international partners, we agreed to restructure the external debt of our country. In the last quarter of 2015, in conditions of war and loss of a significant part of its industrial potential, the economy of Ukraine demonstrated the first signs of growth. For the first time since 1991, Ukraine managed to escape from Russia' energy blackmail. Decentralization became a real change of the government system, which had been a purpose of Maidan. Structural reform of energy sector is taking place. Systemic transformations in the anti-corruption policy were initiated.
We passed a difficult path to the fulfillment of all requirements for the abolition of the visa-free regime with the EU states. On January 1, 2016, DCFTA between Ukraine and the EU will come into force. It became possible due to the coordinated work of the President, Parliament and Government. Our western partners recognize the achievements of the Ukrainian authorities and support the implementation of reforms.

It is crucial not to stop halfway, because we have to achieve Ukrainian success. Reforms will become a precondition of victory over the aggressor and membership in the EU and NATO. We are aware that any delay in the reload of the state will play into the hands of the external enemy.
The top priorities of the coming weeks are the following:
- increase combat capability of the AFU;
- approve tax amendments suggested by the Government and defined by the President as urgent;
- adopt the Law on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2016;
- adopt decisions that will ensure future cooperation between Ukraine and IMF;
- uphold actions of the Government and the National Bank on economic stabilization and recovery of the financial and banking sector;
- complete the procedure of making amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in the context of decentralization;
- make judicial amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine.
In order to adopt these vitally important decisions, the Parliament will hold an extraordinary session on December 17.
Today, we need unity, mutual support and further joint work of the President, Parliament and Government as never before. The issue of resignation of the Prime Minister is not on the agenda.
We should focus on the interests of Ukraine, restrain political passion and demonstrate political culture worthy of a European country.
We condemn anti-government, hysterical and anti-state campaign organized by corrupt oligarchs.
We also consider any forms of mutual struggle inside the parliamentary coalition fruitful for the enemies of Ukrainian statehood and democracy.
We have a common strategy of state development. The coalition agreement establishes a plan of concrete steps for its implementation. Discussions should cover optimal ways to implement this plan.
The unity we demonstrate today is a key factor of successful changes in the country.
This is what the society expects from us and this is our highest responsibility.
Glory to Ukraine!

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine V.B. GROYSMAN
President of Ukraine P.O. POROSHENKO
Prime Minister of Ukraine A.P. YATSENYUK

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