
Sunday, December 20, 2015

In 2016, Ukrainians will have a right to travel to the EU without visas

President Petro Poroshenko is confident that the positive report of the European Commission on the fulfillment of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan by Ukraine will result in the abolition of visas for Ukrainians who will have a right to travel to the EU without visas already in 2016. Petro Poroshenko congratulated everyone on this victory.

In the interview with Inter TV channel, the Head of State informed on the adoption of that decision. He noted that the report hadn't been final on the eve of his visit to Brussels. But due to the negotiations and meetings with the EU leaders, Ukraine managed to achieve positive result.

"It is a symbol and demonstration of trust by the EU, European Parliament, European Commissioners, Presidents of the European Commission, European Council and European Parliament with whom I met. In the unique format of the mini-summit, we achieved this crucial decision for Ukraine," he emphasized.

Answering the question whether there is a possibility of another delay in the implementation, Petro Poroshenko said: "This decision is final in the context of the historical choice of Ukraine. It is the final Rubicon we crossed leaving the post-Soviet past behind. It is a symbol of the return of Ukraine to the family of the European nations. Of course, this decision was not easy, but there is no going back".

According to the Head of State, Ukraine had to fulfill 54 obligations at the second phase of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan: integrated border management, fight against illegal migration, introduction of new identity card - passport that meets the European standards etc.

The President emphasized that the fulfillment of all items was a matter of principle for him.

"I have no doubt that in 2016, Ukrainians will have a right to travel to the EU without visas," the President said.
According to Petro Poroshenko, the signature of the Association Agreement, establishment of DCFTA on January 1, 2016 and positive conclusion on the fulfillment of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan is a new degree of freedom for Ukrainians. It will promote interpersonal, business and scientific contacts, as well as increase the level of support for the European integration of Ukraine.

The Head of State also noted that the establishment of the visa-free regime with the EU may facilitate visa liberalization with other countries in the future, particularly Australia, Canada and USA.

"Visa-free regime is a key and extremely important historical step, victory, demonstration of trust in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

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