
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Vietnam adopts first ever law on referendum

HANOI -- Vietnamese National Assembly passed the first Law on referendum in the country at the ongoing parliament meeting here on Wednesday.

The Law on Referendum comprises eight chapters with 52 articles, taking effect from July 1, 2016. The National Assembly (NA)'s Standing Committee, president, government or at least one third of NA deputies can propose a referendum to the NA.

A referendum can be held on issues regarding the constitution or its major contents, particularly important issues on national sovereignty and territory, national defense-security which directly affect the country's interests, issues on socio-economy which have great impact on the development of the country, among other issues.
The NA will be the competent one to decide whether to organize a referendum.

A referendum is considered valid when it has at least three fourths of the voters across the country. The result of a referendum is recognized for implementation when it gains over half of the "yes" votes. Regarding 
referendum on the constitution, it is recognized for implementation only with two thirds of the "yes" votes.

Vietnamese people who are living, working and studying overseas are not attending the referendum due to their scattered residential localities in various countries, reported the Vietnam's state-run radio Voice of Vietnam.
The referendum result will be reported by the NA's Standing Committee to the NA.

The day of organizing referendum is decided by the NA's Standing Committee and it must be on a Sunday.

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