
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Presidents of Ukraine and Italy reaffirmed intention to intensify comprehensive cooperation In the framework of the official visit to Italy, President Petro Poroshenko had a meeting with President of Italy Sergio Mattarella.

The President praised consistent support of Italy for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. He also thanked Italy for active participation in the OSCE mission to Ukraine.

Sergio Mattarella confirmed that Italy stood for the necessity of prolongation of sanctions against Russia until full implementation of the Minsk agreements. The President of Italy noted the importance of Ukraine’s presence in the UN Security Council in these difficult times for our country. He stressed that Italy would not let the Ukrainian issue loose its importance because of the events in Syria.

The Head of State thanked the Italian Parliament for the ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, having called the given document a milestone for Ukraine. The President noted the importance of Italy’s further support for pro-European reforms in Ukraine, implementation of the Association Agreement and liberalization of the visa-free regime with the EU for Ukrainian citizens.

The Italian President expressed support for the visa-free travel of Ukrainians within the EU taking into account large Ukrainian community in Italy.

Sergio Mattarella noted heroic deed of Ukrainian citizen Anatoliy Korol who was killed in the suburbs of Naples this August trying to stop burglars in the local supermarket. The Ukrainian was awarded posthumously by both Ukraine and Italy. The President of Italy said that he highly appreciated the Ukrainian community of Italy, especially after the heroic deed of Anatoliy Korol. “He is a true hero of our time,” Sergio Mattarella emphasized.

The parties agreed to exchange experience in the creation of efficient judicial system, transformation of Constitution and fight against corruption given the reform of the national anti-corruption body in Italy in 2014.

The parties also discussed the possibility of joint training of the Ukrainian National Guard and the Italian Carabinieri.Petro Poroshenko and Sergio Mattarella stand for the intensification of contacts between Ukraine and Italy in the sphere of culture, education and science, including the exchange of students.

Petro Poroshenko invited Sergio Mattarella to make a visit to Ukraine.

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