
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

President submitted draft constitutional amendments on justice to the Parliament: Society has been waiting for these changes for too long

The President submitted draft constitutional amendments on justice to the Parliament.

The draft was approved by the Constitutional Commission on October 30, 2015. The National Council of Reforms recommended the Parliament to consider the draft in the first reading during the current session.

Commenting on the amendments, the President noted: “The Ukrainian society has been waiting for these changes for too long. That’s why I urge the MPs to thoroughly examine the draft law in the shortest possible term for us to have a renewed Constitution in the context of justice and build a fair court in Ukraine that will meet high European standards”.

The purpose of the proposed amendments is to improve the constitutional foundations of justice for the implementation of the rule of law and ensuring the right to a fair trial by an independent and impartial court within a reasonable time.

The adoption of the bill will contribute to the implementation of the full-scale judicial reform and renewal of judiciary in accordance with the European standards.

The draft law is aimed at depoliticization and independence of judicial power, raising professional standards of judicial corps, restriction of judicial immunity etc.

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