
Sunday, November 8, 2015

President about the opening of the Memorial to Victims of Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933 in Washington: Not a single problem can defeat our people

The Memorial to Victims of Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933 was opened in Washington today. The President called it a historic event, which is a true evidence of victory of truth over lies, good over evil.

"Right here and now, due to the joint efforts of the Ukrainian community in America and the Ukrainian state, the Memorial is being opened in Washington in order to become another evidence of the fact that our nation cannot be overcome by any troubles, any malicious intentions of foes, for Ukrainians strive for truth, freedom, democracy and peace on their land and in their country," Petro Poroshenko noted in his address.

The President called it symbolic that the majestic monument was opened on the anniversary of the October Revolution and on the first year of validity of Ukrainian laws on decommunization and state recognition of heroes of national liberation movements, as well as in the period when Ukrainians defend their sovereignty and independence again.

"The Memorial in Washington is being opened when Ukraine is defending its independence, overcoming obstacles and rebuffing the aggression of Russia. Again, as in times of Holodomor, Kremlin is trying to wipe Ukraine off the map. Death is coming from the East once again," he said.

The President emphasized, that Holodomor had been the most dreadful crime against humanity in peaceful time. It was an attempt to put Ukrainians down on their knees, destroy national identity, kill hope for the right to create one's own fate on the native land.

"In this way, the empire tried to ruin the very foundations of a freedom-loving nation, undermine our spiritual culture and ethnic identity. But I am deeply convinced that just as 80 years ago, any Moscow's power is unable to put Ukrainians down on their knees and force them abandon the idea of Freedom, Independence, Dignity and Unity," the Head of State said.

Petro Poroshenko particularly noted everyone whose work facilitated the beginning of the activity of the U.S. Commission on the research of the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 and the recognition of Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian nation by the parliaments of many countries, including the U.S. Congress.

"They tried to keep Holodomor a secret. They tried to wipe out even the smallest parts of memory of it. But they failed! At the beginning of the 1980th, thousands of Americans of Ukrainian origin united to tell the truth about Holodomor. At that time, Kremlin considered it wiped off completely. Today is a wonderful opportunity to thank everyone involved in the creation and activity of the Commission," the President noted.

He particularly noted executive director of the Commission James Mace. "He is a great American and a great Ukrainian. One of the most prominent researchers of Holodomor. One of those called men of truth. Tireless knight of truth told the bitter truth about the events of the 1930th in Ukraine to the entire world, as well as to Ukraine itself," Petro Poroshenko stressed.

The President recalled the work of Robert Conquest "The Harvest of Sorrow", which "put an end to falsifications of Soviet-Russian regime about Holodomor".

The Head of State expressed gratitude to the President and Government of the United States, to the friendly American people for their solidarity and to the Ukrainian community of the United States for supporting their historic Homeland.

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