
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Mogherini emphasises need for partnership at NATO parliamentary assembly

Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the Union for foreign affairs and security policy, took part via video conference in a high level seminar on the Middle East and the Mediterranean, organised by the NATO parliamentary assembly in Florence.

Mogherini, who led Italy’s delegation to the NATO parliamentary assembly in 2013-2014, stressed that cooperation between the European Union and NATO is essential: after the downing of a Russian fighter jet on the Turkish-Syrian border – she recalled – “I immediately talked to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to coordinate our political message”.

Faced with the current crises in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, she added, no global power has “a solitary responsibility” and all countries, “even the strongest among us, need strong partnerships”. The High Representative insisted on cooperation with Arab and African partners, adding that over the past year “we were able to find common ground with Russia on many issues”.

In a highly participated Q&A session, Mogherini was asked to describe the European Union’s response to the terrorist attacks in Paris. She explained that the whole Union confirmed its solidarity with France and the French people. Member States are identifying how they can best help through bilateral consultations with France. This mechanism, although inter-governmental, is enshrined in the European Treaties: “It takes place in a European framework”, Mogherini said. Although the EU is not formally engaged in the anti-Daesh coalition, and a common EU military operation in Syria is not foreseen, the Union is on the front line of the international talks aimed at starting a political transition in Syria. “It will not be easy, but this is the only way out of the war”, she pointed out.

Answering to a question on the refugee crisis, the High Representative urged Member States to collectively tackle “the first humanitarian crisis within the European Union”. “The Commission presented its proposals in April, the Council only partially approved them in September. Winter is coming, we cannot afford to lose more time”.

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