
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Minister of finance Natalie Jaresko meets delegation of Italian embassy and Steering council of Italian entrepreneurs’ board in Ukraine

On November 5, minister of finance of Ukraine Natalie Jaresko met the delegation of the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Ukraine and the Steering council of
the Italian entrepreneurs’ board in Ukraine.

The meeting was dedicated to the current economic and financial situation in Ukraine as well as to its development prospects.

Among the meeting participants were the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Ukraine Mr. Fabrizio Romano, General manager of Unicredit Bank Mauro Maschio, General manager of «Intesa San Paolo» Roberto Vercelli as well as the managers of leading Italian companies in Ukraine including «Tecnocap», «Maschio Gaspardo», «ENI Ukraine», «Ferplast», «Mapei», «IVECO», «Uss Security».

During the meeting minister of finance Natalie Jaresko told about implemented and scheduled steps of the government aimed to improve the attractiveness of Ukraine for investors as well as about prospects for foreign companies in the context of the financial reform in Ukraine. The participants of the meeting also discussed acute issues related to the customs clearance procedures for foreign companies, VAT refund and other aspects of the tax reform.

«Italy has always been an important economic partner for Ukraine. That is why we are striving to improve and simplify business procedures to foster investments into Ukraine. To win in the economy, we are pursuing a double strategy: we are restoring macroeconomic stability and implementing reforms serving as a basis for a powerful economic growth», the minister of finance said.

The member of the Steering council of the Italian entrepreneurs’ board in Ukraine expressed their optimism about the recovery of the macroeconomic data and financial stability of Ukraine.

Mr. Fabrizio Romano, the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Ukraine, said that Ukraine has a huge potential for investments and significant business opportunities.

We are supporting the reforms pursued by the government of Ukraine. At the same time, we are concerned that there is no clear consensus in the Ukrainian parliament, which might halt potential investors», Mr. Fabrizio Romano said.

At the end of the meeting Natalie Jaresko stressed again that attractiveness for investors is extremely important for Ukraine. That is why the reforms pursued by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine are aimed to improve the business environment and to foster investments which should contribute to the recovery of stability and growth.

«I am trying to convince everybody that Ukraine is already different, that you can make legal business here and be successful. That is why I am asking you to invite foreign investors to Ukraine», the minister of finance said in the conclusion.

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