
Monday, November 30, 2015

During Holocaust we were dying as we were Ukrainians. Today we are capable to survive as we remain and will always be Ukrainians

"During the Holodomor we died as we were Ukrainians. Today we are capable to survive as we remain and will always be Ukrainians. As one strong nation. Avoiding internal squabbles. Avoiding beating the air. Avoiding irresolution of mind," said Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk in his address on Sunday, November 29.
The Head of Government stressed that the contrivance, the scheme and scale of the Ukrainian Holodomor"were devilish": "And even more diabolic thing happened later. The killers just turned the page. The status of "the turned page" haunts us during our entire history".

He emphasized that "we are the only to stop it": "Memory allows us to understand who we are. Memory shapes us and creates our imagination. Imagination creates our future."
"We exist. This is an essential, fundamental and life-asserting fact. This is a strong response to evil and hatred against Ukraine, against the Ukrainian citizens, our language and our culture. This is the answer to each invader and each aggressor," urged Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
"We exist. During the Revolution of Dignity everyone got the proof – Europe, America, Russia," he stressed.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk accentuated that the Ukrainian Famine and Henocide is a penetrating theme of our existence and mentality: "In person, each citizen must realize that our only shield against any threat appears our personal active involvement in the development and protection of Ukraine. "I am participating in the fate of the state" - everyone has to perceive these words".
"I believe in Ukraine, free from external threat, free from fear and poverty. I believe in Ukraine that will overcome the current challenges. Let's be strong. Let's be wise. Let’s be free. Then we will do everything, even impossible," summed up Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

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