
Friday, October 23, 2015

Ukraine to host the IV Central and Eastern European Investment Conference for the first time

One of the leading international investment conferences in the Central & Eastern European (CEE) region, the IV CEE Investment Conference, will be held on November 6, 2015 for the first time in Ukraine. The conference will gather influential investment professionals, leaders of major financial institutions, international investment banks and funds, C-level corporate executives, policy makers, as well as representatives of major mass media organizations to discuss current topics of the investment potential of the CEE region. The event is being organized by CFA Society Ukraine with the support of the CFA Institute, a worldwide network of investment professionals with over 120,000 members.

The IV CEE Investment Conference is the top investment industry event of the year in Ukraine which offers the possibility of hearing various ideas and opinions on investment opportunities during a period of complicated geopolitics. It will feature an independent networking platform to make business contacts, strengthen collaborative efforts, and launch new projects.

The IV CEE Investment Conference is an annual event held in different European capitals by local CFA Societies. The first CEE Investment Conference took place in Bucharest in April 2012, the second in Moscow in April 2013, and the third in Istanbul in November 2014.

The main theme of the Conference will be “MATH VS. GEOPOLITICS: WHERE TO PLAY, HOW TO WIN?”

The full-day event features four panels with a focus on the following topics:
● Great transformations: macroeconomic and geopolitics in CEE.
● Generating Alpha: investment ideas in CEE by portfolio managers.
● Cross border banking in CEE: same banks different problems.
● Corporate successes in CEE: human capital vs. resource economy.

Leading industry experts will speak at the IV CEE Investment Conference: Natalie Jaresko, Minister of Finance of Ukraine; Attila Koksal, CFA, Member of the Board, CFA Institute; Sebastian Kahlfeld, Director, Senior Portfolio Manager, Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment; Engin Akcakoca, Banking sector expert (EBRD/WB), ex-chairman of Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency of Turkey; Yasuhiro Mimbuta, Senior Portfolio Manager, Nomura Asset management; Qimiao Fan, Director for Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, The World Bank; Vladyslav Rashkovan, Deputy Governor, National Bank of Ukraine.

“Investment professionals normally try to quantify every risk and maximize profits given acceptable level of risks. Ukraine as a country also falls under this rule: this country is far from being stable and safe but clearly is not the most risky place on Earth. Also, by far this is not the only country that faces tough geopolitical choices and challenges.”

Portfolio investors currently have a rich choice out of near 60 open or relatively open markets to invest in and the task to persuade them to invest in your country is not an easy one. The goal is to find the right investors who can tolerate Ukrainian risks but also see high potential rewards behind the prevailing skepticism.

“Rare international events such as the IV CEE Investment Conference are a golden opportunity to help investors find acceptable investment opportunities in Ukraine and in neighboring countries,” said Yevhen Hrebeniuk, CFA, President, CFA Society Ukraine.

The IV CEE Investment Conference will take place on Friday, November 6, at the Kyiv Hilton (30, Tarasa Shevchenka Boulevard, Kyiv).

For accreditation, please register here and await confirmation from the organizers. In order to request an interview, please contact in advance.

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The Interfax-Ukraine News Agency is the general news partner of IV CEE Investment Conference.


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