
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The time will come when Ukrainian forces return to eastern border of Ukraine

On Wednesday, October 28, the Day of Ukraine's Liberation from Nazi invaders, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and members of the Government of Ukraine paid tribute to the victims.
They laid flowers to the Eternal Glory Monument in the Eternal Glory Park in Kyiv and paid tribute to the victims by one minute’s silence.
The Prime Minister has reminded that on this day 71 years ago Ukrainian fronts reached the western border of Ukraine and liberated it from the Nazis: "Ukraine is the victorious power in World War II. We honor the heroism of our soldiers, our liberators, who took a step towards the liberation of Europe from the fascist plague."
"The time will come when Ukrainian forces return to the eastern border of Ukraine and the territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state will be fully restored. Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea will return to Ukraine, as it is part of the Ukrainian state," Arseniy Yatsenyuk underlined.
The Prime Minister addressed the audience at the Eternal Glory Monument: "Thank you so much for what you did."

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