Friday, October 16, 2015

Starting tomorrow to register a business with the Ministry of Justice, the SFS, the Pension Fund and statistics agencies it will be possible within 24 hours

Today there have entered into force joint orders of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Finance on on-line information exchange among government agencies. Relevant documents from the Ministry of Economy, which is responsible for the statistical authorities, and the Ministry of Social Policy, which is responsible for the Pension Fund, were signed 2 weeks ago. Today at the briefing at the Government House, Minister of Justice Pavlo Petrenko announced that.
"The SFS has long refused to switch over to such radical changes. But after the Minister of Finance intervened in the situation, we have also signed a joint order with the Ministry of Finance on on-line data exchange from our registries, and on-line registration by tax authorities of those entrepreneurs who have registered with the Ministry of Justice", explained the Minister of Justice.
According to him, for Ukrainians it means that a key and most problematic body regarding communication, which is the State Fiscal Service, has been actually removed from the list of contacts for the citizens who want to start their own business.

"If you have registered in the registry of the Ministry of Justice, every 2 hours other bodies get an access to the relevant information in an electronic form. Whereas, within two hours these agencies provide updated information from their registries. In simple words, if early in the day you have been registered as an entrepreneur, by the end of the day you will already be registered in other agencies avoiding visiting these institutions and standing in queues", stressed the Minister of Justice.
However, he noted that the following 2 weeks the system would be operating in test mode. During this time all the shortcomings will be identified and removed.

"This is a huge step towards completing the process, we have started earlier this year and providing an opportunity for Ukrainian citizens to register their business within 24 hours. Among other things, this is a very important sign for the World Bank to improve Ukraine's performance in the Doing Business ranking," he stressed.

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