
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Kosovo signed

The European Union and Kosovo signed today the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). For the EU, it was signed by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn, while on the side of Kosovo it was signed by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Minister for European Integration Bekim Çollaku. 

Federica Mogherini said: "This agreement is opening a new phase in the EU-Kosovo relationship. It represents an important contribution to stability and prosperity in Kosovo and the region at large."

Once in force, the SAA will help the implementation of reforms designed to achieve the adoption of European standards by Kosovo. It focuses on respect for key democratic principles and core elements that are at the heart of the EU's single market. It establishes an area that allows for free trade and the application of European standards in other areas such as competition, state aid and intellectual property. Other provisions cover political dialogue, cooperation in a wide variety of sectors ranging from education and employment to energy, the environment and justice and home affairs.

The SAA was negotiated between October 2013 and May 2014, it was initialled in July 2014 and the Council of the EU agreed to its signature on 22 October 2015. Following consent by the European Parliament, the SAA is expected to enter into force in the first half of next year.

The EU will continue to support Kosovo's progress in its European path through the stabilisation and association process, the policy designed by the EU to foster cooperation with the Western Balkan countries as well as regional cooperation. Stabilisation and Association Agreements are a core component of this process. In order to support the necessary reforms, the EU makes available pre-accession assistance to the Western Balkans and Turkey amounting to some €11.7 billion over the period 2014-2020, of which €645.5 million is allocated to Kosovo.

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