
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Russia put an ultimatum to the militants – they may return only after fighting in Syria

Russia put forward conditions, on which Russian servicemen and mercenaries, who are involved in fighting in the ranks of the Russian-terrorist troops in Donbas, can return to Russia

Russia put an ultimatum to the militants, demanding that they may return only after fighting in Syria, said Dmytro Tymchuk, coordinator of the Information Resistance, commenting on the latest news from Donbas. He has published the latest data on the social and political situation in the occupied territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, reports.

The Russian command put forward conditions, on which Russian servicemen and Russian mercenaries, who are involved in fighting in the ranks of the Russian-terrorist troops in Donbas, can return to Russia. They have to sign the contract with the Russian Defense Ministry and go to Syria. Therefore, for the signing of the contract such persons must provide three photographs and copies of personal documents. At the moment there are not many of those who wants to go to Syria among the Armed Forces servicemen and Russian mercenaries in Donbas.

After the end of “conscription for military service” military commissariats of DPR announced an urgent recruiting for the DPR armed forces on a contractual basis. “Contract soldiers” were promised a monthly payment of 20,000 Rubles. Given the high level of unemployment in the temporarily occupied territories, such “employment” may be attractive to local residents. Simultaneously, DPR has serious problems with the salaries payment and social benefits due to problems with financing from the Russian Federation. It’s not clear whether there are funds for “salaries of DPR servicemen”.

In the occupied areas of Luhansk and Donetsk regions special groups of Russian FSB and GRU have begun to implement measures “to persuade” commanders and fighters of armed gangs, who do not follow orders to ceasefire on the frontline. The most common measures to persuade are the threats of imprisonment or execution. On October 25 a group of “eliminators” of FSB is expected to arrive from the Russian Federation to LPR. They will eliminate those who disagree with the changes in the strategic line from “accession to the Russian Federation” to “Donbas – is a region of Ukraine with special status”, and the most odious figures among the criminals. According to reports, such operations have already been conducted in ​​Krasnodon, Luhansk region.
At the DPR checkpoint near Alexandrivka, Maryinsky district, Donetsk region, a local civilian was shot dead trying to leave temporarily occupied territory. Higher management of DPR prohibited to cover this incident in local media. According to the official version the militants used weapon because he attacked them.

Russia suspended gas supply to DPR through the Prokhorivka checkpoint. In this regard, the utility company Donbasgaz urgently demanded from local industrial customers to stop the consumption of natural gas.

Besides, Russian supervisors intend to hold the local elections in LPR, scheduled for 21 February 2016, and consider to appoint A.V. Shubin, the so-called “Minister of Justice of LPR”, to the position of “Chairman of the Central Election Commission”. Earlier A.V.Shubin was involved in several corruption scandals in LPR.

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