
Monday, October 26, 2015

Results of the meeting between President Poroshenko and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Pritzker: United States will continue supporting reforms in Ukraine

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko had a meeting with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker. Ms. Pritzker emphasized that the U.S. would continue supporting reforms in Ukraine. “USA supports and believes in Ukraine today and in the future,” Ms. Pritzker said.

The President noted the U.S. support in macro-financial and macro-economic spheres – both in bilateral regime through the allocation of bilateral guarantees and multilateral regime through the support in international financial organizations. The President informed on the decision of the U.S. Government to allocate the third tranche of loan guarantees in the amount of greater than USD 1 billion. “It is the position of a true friend and partner,” Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

“The assistance of our strategic partners, our friends from the United States is extremely important for us,” the President said in his press statement following the negotiations. “We have an efficient interaction with our American partners today,” the President stressed noting political support for Ukraine from the U.S. President, his Administration, the U.S. Government, Congress and people.

In the course of the negotiations, we’ve agreed to coordinate actions on the creation of favorable investment climate. The President informed on detailed conversation with U.S. business leaders who have a huge experience of working in the Ukrainian market and had an opportunity to advise on the further steps on reforms.

“We are going to further coordinate our actions on decisive struggle against corruption. The establishment of special anti-corruption bureau, transparent appointment of anti-corruption prosecutor, reload of judicial power will let us demonstrate decisive intention to fight against corruption,” Petro Poroshenko noted.

The President informed the delegation on the plan to carry our transparent privatization. “I was pleased to hear that American investors are interested in raising the level of American investment in the Ukrainian economy,” he said.

“We’ve coordinated the results of business forum held in July with participation of Ms. Pritzker and more than 150 investors interested in investing in Ukraine,” the Head of State informed.

“The level of our cooperation is high and can be even higher,” the President added.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker noted significant changes in the country since her last visit that took place in autumn 2014. She particularly mentioned reforms in energy sphere, control over the capital market, struggle against corruption and judicial reform. “However, there is much to be done,” she said.

“USA, our allies and international financial institutions are willing to support your efforts on improving the investment climate, integration of Ukraine in the world economy and transition to self-sustaining growth,” Ms. Pritzker emphasized.

She informed that the U.S. President in cooperation with the U.S. Congress intended to provide the third loan guarantees in the amount of USD 1 billion in the coming months. According to her, the parties discussed the ways to use the above mentioned funds efficiently in order to implement reforms.

The U.S. Secretary of Commerce called her visit to Ukraine an example of commercial diplomacy. The U.S. delegation included business representatives of DuPont, Citibank, Westinghouse, NCH Capital, Honeywell, Cargill.

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