
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

11 grand facts about agriculture in Ukraine

1. 5 Fields of Ukrainian agro holdings are equal in size over Slovenia.

2. Ukraine produces 5 times the sunflower oil than Spain - Olive oil. In 2014, Ukraine produced sunflower oil more than the olive in all countries of the world combined!

3. Ukraine grow 7 times more grain than grow coffee worldwide. In 2014, Ukraine harvested 64 million tons of grain crops: corn, wheat, barley and others. During the same period around the world have gathered 8.5 million tons of coffee beans.

4. If Ukrainian grain exported cars, it would train thousands of kilometers in length. But if someone wanted to download all export corn in grain cars, then took a train length of 3.7 thousand. Km - the distance from Kiev to Madrid.
And if you do the same with wheat, which Ukraine exported 11.5 million tons, the train will stretch from Kiev to London - 2.38 thousand. Km.

5. In the past marketing year, Ukraine has grown 96.9 thous. Tons of walnuts - a 6th place in the world.

6. Ukrainian honey can feed the inhabitants of Finland, the whole winter!

7. Ukrainian wheat can feed hundreds of millions of hungry people in India ..If you mix the whole Ukrainian export wheat (11 million tonnes), it will turn out 8.25 million tons of flour. Bake from it 23.6 billion loaves of bread weighing 500 grams and handing out their starving India. 195 million hungry Indians will have one loaf every day for 4 months.

8. Ukraine could feed all the people of Europe - omelettes! In 2014, Ukraine exported 1.75 billion eggs. If you have to cook French omelets, this will be sufficient to within 2 days to feed all the inhabitants of the EU.

9. Ukrainian chicken could feed all of Israel.
Israel - a country whose citizens eat more whole chicken in the world - 70 kilograms per person per year. We calculated that if we take all the chicken that Ukraine exported in 2014, it is possible to feed all Israelis over 4 months.

10. Rape - one more reason to be proud. In the 2014/2015 marketing year, world exports of canola amounted to 14.2 million tons. Canada - on the first place (62%), second - Australia (17%), Ukraine ranked third (14%). But it is for the third place! Other countries are far behind - we exported two times more than all of them put together.

11. Ukraine will fill the world of corn in the future. If you bring the Ukrainian fields yield to the US level (11 tonnes of maize per hectare), then we would collect 50 million tons. This two-fold greater than the growing Argentina, and 10 times more than Germany.

Ukraine has great prospects in agribusiness - we are able to influence the world food markets, food security in the world largely depends on Ukraine.

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