
Monday, September 28, 2015

We need a new large format of solidarity to maintain peace in the region and independence of Ukraine

“We appreciate the format of the current settlement process and contribution of Germany and France. But this practical tool should be enhanced by the broad international alliance to maintain peace in our region and independence of Ukraine", said Arseniy Yatsenyuk in "10 minutes" on Sunday, September 27.
"We need a large international meeting to stop the aggression of Russia, to protect Ukraine and restore security in the region. In this format we see the participation of G7 states, the European Union and our neighbors, from Warsaw to Bucharest, our Nordic partners and Baltic friends," he announced.
The Prime Minister noted that this was the topic for discussion during his recent meetings with President of the United States of America, leadership of Canada, the UK, Poland and Slovakia: "This discussion will prolong." to him, a new large format of solidarity should facilitate the current Minsk settlement process.

He accentuated that the annexation of Crimea and the war of the Kremlin against Ukraine in Donbas is “a historic crime against humanity that won’t have time limitation": "Putin's regime will never be justified and forgiven, it will never happen. There’ll be a day of reckoning”.
"Ukraine should be firm and clear: one of the major contemporary problems posing threat to peace and security in the world is an aggressive and warlike policy of the current Kremlin. Starting up fire, Russia pretends to be a fireman. The same role will be played tomorrow by President Vladimir Putin at the General Assembly of the United Nations", he stressed.
"Hybrid trickery, lies and deception are traditional means of the Russian foreign policy. Lacking honor and conscience," said the Head of Government.
He emphasized that Ukraine strives for peace and fulfills all the commitments to achieve peaceful solving the conflict.
"What we demand from Russia and what is necessary to achieve peace? Complete ceasefire, constant and absolute, not temporary on the eve of the General Assembly of the United Nations", he highlighted.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk stressed that the Russian Federation “should immediately withdraw its mercenaries and bandits from Ukrainian territory”: “It is a requirement of the UN Security Council, which Russia does not implement. "Mr. Putin, get off Ukraine", – these are the words the world should say to the Russian President tomorrow ".
"We are ready to hold fair and transparent elections in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. But for that end, in Donetsk and Luhansk there should be restored Ukrainian government and our legislation. The Ukrainian Government will never talk to terrorists and bandits. We will talk only to the legitimately elected local authorities", stressed the Prime Minister.
Another requirement, he said, "we should regain control over the border with Russia, which was occupied by the Kremlin": "This will mean the cessation of sending in the bandits, saboteurs and weapons from Russia. And, therefore, it would mean peace in Ukraine, peace in Donbas".
"We appeal to the entire world: the war unleashed by Russia is the war against the foundations of global security, our life and our future. It is neither sympathy nor despair that Ukraine awaits. We need the solidarity of mankind," said the Head of Government.
"Global unity around Ukraine today means unity around saving the planet from war and terror expanded by madmen. The whole world needs a victory over Putin’s aggression. Evil will always return unless stopped and punished. All of us need the clarity of principles and sequence of actions", he stressed.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk views inadmissible any negotiations with Russia: "In these negotiations, Russia always cheats".
"No negotiations about Ukraine without participation of Ukraine. Only our people have the power to decide their own destiny, their own domestic and foreign policy", stressed the Head of Government.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk continued, the NATO member states can support Ukraine, strengthening both their own security and the security of Ukraine, noting that "it is out of the question to lift sanctions against the Russian Federation".
 "No sanctions against Russia can be lifted until Russia fulfills the Minsk agreement entirely and gets away from our territory – from Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea", he stressed.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk added that the Russian presence and the occupation of Georgia and Transnistria shouldn’t also remain outside attention of the world.
He reminded that Ukraine had imposed sanctions against Russia as well: "There cannot be any ambiguity. Someone says that Ukraine will suffer economically from the imposition of sanctions. I'll give you my answer: freedom and dignity have no price. We have already paid too much - human lives, occupied territories, thedecline of the economy. More than one and half million people were forced to flee their homes escaping from the war. We cannot afford to lose more. Sanctions are among the ways to stop Russian aggression".
"Ukraine should become a non-permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations. I hope the General Assembly will support the efforts of the Ukrainian diplomacy and the President of Ukraine in taking such a decision", stressed the Prime Minister.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk stressed that "everything depends on us - on Ukraine": "We call on the world to display solidarity and unity. But, first of all, we should be united and internally strong inside the country. United around the struggle for our independence, for reforms and changes towards a future membership in the European Union and the NATO."
"I believe in our victory. Today it is our victory that can determine the fate and future of the world – the world whose voice will be heard from the General Assembly of the United Nations. And the voice of Ukraine must be truthful, strong and confident," summed up Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

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