
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ukrainian NGO Forum ’15

Ukrainian II NGO Forum will be held on October 7, 2015 in Kiev, in which representatives of international donors, businesses and volunteers are going to build a unified platform consolidation of public organizations of Ukraine to share the unique experience of the phenomenon of Ukrainian volunteering with the global donor community. 

The Memorandum of consensus between Ukrainian NGOs and representatives of business and international organizations with the most pressing issues on the activities of nonprofit organizations in Ukraine is planned to be signed during the Forum. The event will be held at the Main corps of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 60 Volodymyrska Street, City of Kyiv.

"We focused on the most pressing issues that concern NGOs and highlighted the main areas to be discussed at the Forum, including fundraising best practices, funding opportunities, legal and tax features and others. Now is the time of action, not words. Action for consolidation efforts. Actions should go first the word, "- said Katerina Sivakov, executive director of Actions First Foundation.

For the first time in Ukraine will be organized public discussion of the role of volunteer movements and NGOs in the reforms.

Also at the Forum will be presented a unique experience of other types of country volunteering to the international donor community, including international financial institutions and representatives of large and medium businesses. Will be built on a common base many Ukrainian public organizations in order to enhance professional relationships and thus stimulate the creation of new projects. Forum participants will exchange information on possibilities of fund raising for non-profit initiatives in light of the current challenges of the country.

Forum speakers will be Alexei Reznikov Deputy Mayor and secretary of the Kyiv City Council, Eliab Byelotserkovskyy Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Ukraine, Vyacheslav Klimov CEO and co-owner of "New Mail", Yuriy Shkil executive director of support for reform in Ukraine, Andrew Dligach co-founder of Ukrainian venture hub, Oleg Protsenko and Maria Barabash project managers of the National Reforms Council, Artem Mirgorodsky Head of Secretariat intensive care reform package, Anne Gulevskaya Executive Director of the Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum, Anna Bihdan Chairman of the NGO "Ukrainian morning," Irina Lytovchenko co-founder of the charity fund "Tabletochki", Ilona Sologub expert KSE and others.
Important to mention that the Fair of NGO projects in Ukraine will be held within the Forum, where any non-governmental initiative will have the opportunity to showcase their projects and find potential partners.

Forum organizer is A7 CONFERENCES. Partners are ActionsFirstFoundation, Ukrainian venture hub, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, NGO "Ukrainian morning." General TV partner is 5 kanal, Interfax-Ukraine is general information partner. Among the media partners forum are The Ukrainian Week, Apostrof, Companion, UJBL. The event is held with the support of Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum, American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine and restaurant "Mama Manana."

Thanks to Forum partners the participation in the event is free (after online registration and confirmation)
Concerning media accreditation, please contact Lidiia Markova, tel. +38 066 165 77 87,

For more information, please contact Tatiana Luhanovoyu, tel. +38 044 227 27 77, +38 063 118 25 26, or visit:

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