
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ukraine, China sign agreement on peaceful nuclear energy cooperation

Qingdao Xianchu Group and Ukraine's State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety have agreed to launch cooperation in such areas as scientific nuclear research and disposal of spent fuel and radioactive waste, according to The Xinhua News Agency, the official press agency of the People's Republic of China.

"The main purpose of this agreement is an establishment of a joint research and technology institute to develop new technologies for nuclear power plants (NPP) decommissioning," said Chen Kun, chairman of Qingdao Xianchu Group, at a signing ceremony of the deal in Kyiv, according to the report.

"At present, China is among the countries where nuclear power is developing at the most dynamic pace, and its experience can be interesting and useful for Ukraine," the press service quoted Chairman of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine Serhiy Bozhko as saying.

Qingdao Xianchu Corporation (China, Qingdao) specializes in manufacturing of equipment for nuclear and alternative energy.

UNIAN memo. Ukraine ranks seventh in the world in terms of the installed capacity of its nuclear power generating units. There are four nuclear power plants in Ukraine with 15 power generating units, all with VVER-type reactors. Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, operating six power units with a total capacity of 6 GW, is Europe's largest.

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