
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Minister of Finance Natalie Jaresko delivers a speech at the meeting of Chicago Council of Global Affairs

On September 22, the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Natalie Jaresko delivered a speech at the meeting of the Chicago Council of Global Affairs during her visit to the USA and answered questions of American business representatives who were attending the event. 

The main topic of the Minister
s speech were economic challenges which the Ukrainian government is currently facing as well as the reforms pursued by the country to counteract these challenges.

«Since more than a year we have been fighting our economic problems along with the real war in the eastern part of Ukraine. At the same time, we have to accommodate 1.5 m domestic refugees fleeing from the occupied territories. This is why we welcome any support and any investment into Ukraine», Ms. Natalie Jaresko said.

In her speech the Minister presented three priorities of the Ukrainian government – recovery of economic stability, crackdown on corruption and securing a favorable business environment for investments. Ms. Jaresko briefly described the progress of some of the reforms in these field including the tax reform, reform of public procurement, police and others as well as outlined the prospects to achieve the targets set for the government.

Representatives of US business interested in the investment prospects of Ukraine were strongly interested to receive an update on the reform of the judicial systems and the public administration reform, decentralization as well as the steps taken by the Ukrainian government to solve the military conflict in the eastern part of Ukraine and steps taken to enhance the independence of Ukraine from foreign energy supply.

"There is no other nation striving for peace and the end of war more than Ukrainians do. When a child, I realized that there is nothing more important than human dignity. Now, as a member of the new government team, jointly with our partners, we are fighting for the dignity of our nation, for economic prosperity and for the independence of the country", the Minister said.

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