
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Dzhemilev headed the National Council for Anti-Corruption Policy

The leader of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Dzhemilev appointed head of the National Council for Anti-Corruption Policy. This is stated in the decree published today President of Ukraine.

By the same decree the President approved the personal composition of the National Council, which includes:

Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Andrei Taranov,
Advisor to the Chairman of the Accounting Chamber Andrienko Yaroslav,
Head of the Department of International Law of the National Law University, Yaroslav the Wise, Michael Buromenskiy,
President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine Andriy Hunder,
head of the delegation of Ukraine for participation in the Group of States against Corruption Alexander Danyluk,

executive director of EBA Anna Derevyanko,
Chairman of the NGO "Transparency International Ukraine" Andrew Marusov,
President of National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" Andrew Meleshevych,
Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Maxim Nefedov, executive director of the Ukrainian Association of local governments' Association of Cities of Ukraine "Miroslav Pittsyk,
senior adviser of anti-corruption project for Ukraine UNDP and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Ruslan Ryaboshapka,
authorized representative on anticorruption activities NGO "International Committee for Human Rights" Nikita Sambozhuk,
First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Natalia Sevostyanova,
Chairman of the Board of Judges of Ukraine, Judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine Valentin Simonenko,
Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Prevention and Combating Corruption Yegor Sobolev,
Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Stolyarchuk,
Chairman of the NGO "All-Ukrainian Union of Veterans ATO" Taras Tkalich,
Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Alexei Filatov,
scientific director of the Center for Political and Legal Reforms Nikolay Havronyuk,
Business Ombudsman Algirdas Sheremet.

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