
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Director of Kyiv International Economic Forum: "We seek to unite all the reformers for the reforms to be understood the same way by all"

Exclusive interview of Yuriy Pyvovarov, Executive Director of Kyiv International Economic Forum, for Interfax-Ukraine.
What is the key objective of Kyiv International Economic Forum?
The Forum's objective is to consolidate businesses, government and experts in developing an economic strategy for the country’s growth. We seek to unite all the reformers for the reforms to be understood the same way by all.

Joint efforts are needed to change the situation in Ukraine’s economy. Most businessmen see corruption as a major obstacle to development. But corruption is not the only reason. After all, take a look at how the structure of our economy has changed during the years of independence. The country turns into a raw colony, which sells ore, metal, grain and wood instead of high-tech products. This is the path to poverty. How to not only change, but also reverse such a situation? This question is to be answered at KIEF.

What guidelines for development of Ukraine’s economy can be offered at the Forum?
We have two main expectations. First and foremost, the KIEF guidelines will form the basis of the strategy that will be recommended to the Parliament and Government of Ukraine. Forum organizers are sure of the fact that the state must not just watch “the magic hand” of the free market steer the country to poverty. Instead of this, the state has to intervene through modern and innovative instruments. It will help to accelerate the development of those industries that generate the largest amount of value added. We cannot just adopt successful experience of Slovakia, Estonia or Georgia. Ukraine is much larger and has other starting positions. But we have to study the experience of successful reforms (e.g. in Poland or Singapore) and great mistakes (in Greece).
Secondly, representatives of Ukrainian business will get a lot of information on trends of both the global and European economies. So it will help our entrepreneurs to choose a right business development vector and find new funding sources.
What are the most pressing issues to be reviewed at KIEF this year?
All of them are pressing (laughs). What should the government do: manage the economy or simply watch? What are the financing sources for development projects? All the European funds available for Ukraine and guidelines for their effective use will be presented at KIEF. Moreover, there will be debates on Ukraine’s economic strategy. Their participants will be experts of such organizations as “Intensive Care Reform Package”, “Federation of Employers of Ukraine”, “New Country” and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.
There will be a detailed analysis of opportunities and threats of the digital economy development of Ukraine. Experts will also discuss the pitfalls of the Free Trade Agreement with the EU and its impact on Ukrainian business.
Another extremely important question of the cooperation in the triangle “Education – Science – Business”. It is impossible for high-tech business to prosper without educated employees and R&D.
How do you assess results of last year’s KIEF? What role has the Forum played in the implementation of reforms in Ukraine?
The reforming potential was not applied in full by the government. So I would call the last 12 months the year of lost opportunities. Despite this fact, you can see a number of Forum results in legislative activity.
The KIEF experts’ recommendations on the establishment of economic development instruments in Ukraine (such as industrial parks and export credit agencies) were supported by deputies in the form of bills. I expect that they will have been passed by the end of this year and will be implemented in 2016.
The Forum ideas were fixed in Chapter VIII of the Coalition Agreement about accelerated economic development, which has become part of the governmental program.
In general, within a year KIEF has become a unique communication platform for business and government. We hold regular meetings in various formats, where experts give the government clear guidance on economic development.
What will be this year’s KIEF like?
This year’s Forum will cover more topics and involve more foreign experts from over 20 countries.
Who will be the Forum's key speakers?
I would divide them into three categories. Firstly, there will be world-renowned economists: Erik Reinert, author of How rich countries got rich...and why poor countries stay poor, Dr. Burton Lee, lecturer at Stanford University, Xiang Bing, founding dean of one of the leading business schools in China, and many others.
Secondly, we will see representatives of large international companies (Intel, Cisco, HP, Bosch) and influential business associations, such as BusinessEurope. Finally, the Forum will be attended by Ukrainian government officials, parliamentarians and experts, including the Ministers of Finance, Education, Agriculture and the heads of parliamentary committees.
Whom do you see as the KIEF participants? How many of them will there be?
In 2014, the Forum was attended by over 700 people. We expect 1,000 participants this year.
The Forum's target audience is representatives of medium and large business – owners and top managers. They are responsible for the strategic development of their companies. We also expect to see economic experts and heads of central and regional authorities, journalists, community leaders and active youth.
Interfax- Ukraine – mediapartner of Kiev international economic forum

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