Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ukrainian Defense Ministry draws up military doctrine

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry has finished drawing up drafts of a number of strategic military documents, including a military doctrine, Deputy Defense Minister Petro Mekhed said.
"The Defense Ministry has finished preparing key strategic documents related to defense planning, namely, the Ukrainian military doctrine, a concept of the development of the Ukrainian security and defense sector, a concept of the state targeted defense program of the development of weapons and military hardware for the Ukrainian armed forces designed for 2015-2020, and a Ukrainian strategic defense bulletin, which has been updated taking into consideration the provisions of Ukrainian military security strategy," Mekhed said at a news briefing in Kyiv on Tuesday.

In addition, a draft state targeted defense program for the optimization and reorganization of the Ukrainian armed forces in 2015-2017 has been handed to the Cabinet of ministers for consideration, he said.

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