
Thursday, August 27, 2015

The fourth appeal against Russia to the European Court of Human Rights means legal defense of citizens (Ukraine)

The Justice Ministry of Ukraine has elaborated and submitted to the European Court of Human Rights the fourth interstate appeal "Ukraine against Russia," thus ensuring legal protection of the citizens who suffered as a result of Russian aggression. This was discussed at a briefing with participation of First Deputy Minister of Justice of Natalia Sevostianova, Deputy Minister for European Integration Serhii Petukhov and Government Commissioner for the ECHR Borys Babin.

"The Russian aggression against Ukraine has lasted for a year already. The Ministry of Justice is actively working in the legal front to protect our citizens in the occupied territory, those who have suffered from constant violations of their rights in the occupied Crimea, Donbas and ATO areas", said Natalia Sevostianova.

“After the so-called Minsk agreements, after the establishment of the occupational regime of the Russian Federation, not only in Crimea but also in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions we can confirm recurrent or persistent violations of human rights under the European Convention. And that is why we have designed another inter-state statement aimed at documentation of these facts and provide an opportunity for the ECHR to make verdicts concerning relevant violations", Borys Babin explained.

Borys Babin stressed that both in Crimea and Donbas "there are cases of violating practically each human right under the European Convention and the protocols thereto". In particular, we are talking about multiple deaths of civilians as a result of hostilities, torture, taking hostages, searches of activists, schools, religious institutions, exclusion of places of worship. We are talking about the ban of certain religious organizations, closures and restrictions on the activities of independent media, restrictions by the occupational authorities of the right to peaceful assembly, and the like. Simultaneously, people are denied the right to a fair trial.

At this, Natalia Sevostianova added: "Each Ukrainian citizen can also address a center for free legal assistance to prepare an individual statement to the European Court of Human Rights, if he’s lost his property, or you or your relatives have suffered from the aggression of the Russian Federation".
The First Deputy Minister stressed that in accordance with a Government’s directive 100 centers of free legal aid would provide assistance to IDPs affected by the conflict.

Besides, the Government drafted amendments to the law on simplification of registration of documents to citizens of Ukraine residing in the territory of Crimea. "We hope that Parliament will support the changes as priority in September, as soon as it commences work," summed up Natalia Sevostianova.

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