
Monday, August 3, 2015

Strange goings on in Hotel Ukraine (Moscow)

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov yesterday officially announced the creation of the “Rescue Committee of Ukraine” symbolically from the Hotel Ukraine in Moscow.  A move that was forecast some time ago, and thus no surprise.

He was accompanied by Igor Markov and the odious Volodymyr Oliynyk.  Needless to say there were claims of others, currently within Ukraine, that have joined the “rescue committee” but could not be named for fear of their prosecution/persecution in Ukraine.

To be blunt, when seriously considering those still in Ukraine of any former or current influence that would tie their flag to any Azarov led “movement” there are really only a very few – and some of those may well lose their immunity in September over other matters (such as large scale embezzlement cases that are set to be announced).

Certainly the “Rescue Committee of Ukraine” is no direct threat to the current government – there is neither the political or societal traction.  The “Opposition Block” remains incredibly politically toxic at the national level, and will not be a serious political challenger again for a decade at least.

Thus the question is whether The Kremlin sees any use for an Azarov led political movement, or such a movement at all considering all the other levers it has at its disposal.  Currently, and given the forewarning of this announcement, it appears the Kremlin has made no commitments to the “rescue committee” whatsoever – and why would it?

It is far too late for the Kremlin to start backing a “government in exile” or “shadow government”, and a movement external of Ukraine, based in Russia and headed by former Ukrainian politicians that fled to Russia provides the Kremlin with what within Ukraine?  If there is any immediate usage then it is simply as news fodder for its own domestic audience’s consumption.

That said, The Kremlin will not dismiss it out of hand either, for there may be some use for it in the future – however unlikely it appears today.

As Mr Azarov and the “rescue committee” pose no direct threat to the current Ukrainian leadership, nor does it currently enjoy any clear traction within the Kremlin (though that may change), we are perhaps left to conclude that this is the swan song of an old man that is now entirely out of touch with political reality hoping somebody still takes him seriously?

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