
Friday, August 28, 2015

Democracy in Ukraine: a National strategy for Human Rights elaborated

On August 28, there has been presented the National Strategy for Human Rights at the House of Government.

It is a basic document determining principal lines of legal protection of citizens of Ukraine. The National Strategy for Human Rights was elaborated by the Government of Ukraine in close cooperation with international organizations and civil society. The Strategy offers a way to modernize the country with the view of its democratic development, taking into account all the challenges Ukraine is facing. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe made a statement in which he expressed full support for such a strategy in Ukraine.

Country Director of the UN Development Programme in Ukraine, Janthomas Hiemstra informed about 3 reasons to positively assess the adoption of the National Strategy. The first one is the process was in-depth and it gathered a wide range of experts. The second is that the strategy is very progressive and open, so it will work to the benefit of the Ukrainian society.

"This strategy works at all level of the country. At the same time, it covers a number of important issues: the protection of the IDP rights, those of ATO members, residents of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, victims of domestic violence and many others”, stressed the UNDP Country Director.  
"The United Nations, the UNDP and the Commission for the rights of refugees, the UN will prolong to support Ukraine in this direction", promised Janthomas Hiemstra.

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