
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ukraine is among the world's three largest exporters of grain

Ukraine exported 32.3 million tons of grain in the 2013-2014 marketing year, and entered in the top of three world exporters of grain: United States - 72.3 million tons and the EU - 38.5 million tons.

This is stated in the data group of companies "Grain UA".

It is reported that over the past decade the export of grain from Ukraine increased by 77%.

Ukraine has managed to get ahead of such recognized "breadbasket of the world", as Canada - 28 million tons, Argentina - 21.9 million tons and Brazil - 20.1 million tons.

According to the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, the biggest grain abroad put the company "Nibulon" - more than 4.5 million tons, accounting for 14 percent of the total grain exports from Ukraine.


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