
Monday, July 20, 2015

Ukraine embarks on creating transparent electronic benefit system

There are still "dead souls” in the system of provision of pensions, benefits and subsidies. It requires creating a single system of registration of all beneficiaries, stressed Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk during a meeting of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine on Monday, July 20.
"The sooner we do this, the more transparent the system will be," he said.
Moreover, such a step would enable saving funds of the State Budget, "The one who should not get a privilege today steals it out of the pockets of those who are entitled to receive this privilege. It's unfair".
However, the Prime Minister reminded that the Cabinet of Ministers had abolished special pensions: "It is also a matter of social justice. Special pensions for prosecutors, judges, MPs have been finally abolished for the first time in 23 years".
Arseniy Yatsenyuk noted that to obtain subsidies there had applied 1.6 million families, or about 5 million citizens.
According to him, it is an essential objective for the state "to introduce social justice”: "We should go through another difficult period. We have never had such problems in the housing and communal services market, as we have taken the first step toward energy independence and the establishment of fair prices for energy resources. So, people require from us, on absolutely objective reasons, social justice."

"He who cannot pay will get a government subsidy. And those who possess a house with an area of a thousand meters won’t get the subsidy. It's time for them to pay what they should," he stressed.

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