
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Trade Representative of Ukraine: Canada to eliminate duties on 98 per cent of their exports

The Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Ukraine (CUFTA) provides our country with more preferences. Natalia Mykolska, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Trade Representative of Ukraine announced on air of Espresso TV channel. According to her, an important role in achieving preferable conditions for Ukraine was played by our former compatriots.
            "The Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada was saying that the Deal should be asymmetric and provide more benefits for Ukraine, more transition periods to adapt to the conditions of a free trade with Canada," explained Natalia Mykolska.
            According to her, it is too early to make certain forecasts yet, but the huge Canadian market poses interest for our businessmen. Canada would eliminate 98% of duties of their exports for Ukraine once the Agreement enters in force. Ukraine, for its part, cancels only about 80%. That is our producers would gain larger access to the Canadian market.

            "We are fascinated to export to Canada processed foods. Here belong sunflower oil, beer, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, confectionery and many agricultural commodities, which we traditionally export", urged the Deputy Minister.
            According to the experts of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, export gains would be broad-based with products having high added value.
            With regard to industrial goods, the Agreement envisages abolition of 99.9% of duties. According to Natalia Mykolska, only seven tariff lines remain closed with the planned seven-year transition period – these are cars. But that time is enough to adapt, domestic producers claim.

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