
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Only 25% of Ukrainians believe EU visa-free regime won't be introduced – poll

The majority of Ukrainian citizens believe that a visa-free regime with EU countries will be introduced within five years, according to the results of a May poll conducted by TNS, which was released on Tuesday.

"The results of TNS On-line TRACK in May show that 25% of citizens believe that the visa-free regime with the EU will never happen. The rest, 75% think that the visa-free regime will be introduced sooner or later. The most probable term, according to the respondents is 2-5 years (43%) and over 5 years – 28%. Only 5% of the respondents believe in the most unrealistic term – the end of 2015," the company's press service reported.

Sociologists said the reason why Ukrainian citizens believe that the introduction of the visa-free regime will be delayed for several years is because they don't believe that reforms are actually being conducted in the country, a factor influencing the EU's decision to grant the regime. A total of 12% of the respondents said that reforms are being conducted in Ukraine, 63% are inclined to disagree or totally disagree.

These sentiments are confirmed by the index of reforms' perceptibility that fell significantly in contrast to April. Overall, since December 2014, Ukrainian citizens have not believed that reforms are being conducted, as the index has been lower than average.

The poll was conducted through May 15-21 via an online poll used by respondents from across Ukraine. A total of 1,000 people from urban areas were surveyed.

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