
Monday, July 27, 2015

Memorandum on cooperation and information exchange between the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Minister of Internal Affairs and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau

The Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavlo Petrenko, Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau Artem Sytnyk with participation of the EU delegation to Ukraine Jan Tombinski have signed a memorandum on cooperation and exchange of information. This document ensures access to the Ministry of Justice’s registers for investigators and detectives, who investigate criminal cases.

“Today we take our first step to join efforts in combating Ukraine’s greatest internal enemy – corruption. According to the Memorandum, over the next few months we will conduct trainings and provide investigators and detectives from the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and National Police with access to the Ministry of Justice registers”, - stated the Minister.

The Minister also emphasized that modern anti-corruption legislation adopted by Ukraine fully complies with European standards. But in order for average Ukrainian citizen to experience actual results of combating corruption, there must be completed criminal proceedings, under which particular officials will bear responsibility for corruption offenses.

“In order to do so, new authorities – National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and Police – should have full access to all information and databases. For 23 years we have had only an imitation of combating corruption. Imperfect declaration of information on officials’ income and expenditures system, lack of cooperation with law enforcement authorities and lack of political will to bring to liability for corruption offenses – these were the main causes of corruption. I am convinced that NABU and National Police will be able to effectively investigate criminal proceedings starting from the first day this Memorandum enters into force”, - emphasized the Minister.

Investigators will receive a powerful tool to carry out their work. All databases, all information on family ties, property and unlawful enrichment, performed by an official through its relatives or figureheads will be in direct access.

He also encouraged other departments to do the same – to provide access to all databases for detectives and investigators.

Arsen Avakov, in his turn, pointed out that signing the Memorandum is the beginning of serious fruitful work.

“Today we formalize cooperation mechanism between three departments – two ministries and the Anti-Corruption Bureau. In the nearest future National Anti-Corruption Agency will begin its work and will join the Memorandum”, - he stated.

According to him, opening all data is for a single purpose – to overcome corruption in Ukraine.
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau Chairman Artem Sytnyk thanked the Minister of Justice for his progressive policy in terms of access to databases. After all, access to such information ensures most effective activity of pretrial investigation authorities.  

“Previously, it took investigators more than a month to get information from the registers. Now, due to direct access to databases, this will take less than 5 minutes. It will significantly increase the effectiveness of pretrial investigation and newly formed anti-corruption authorities can achieve results that society expects from them”, - pointed out Artem Sytnyk.

Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Jan Tombinski emphasized that combating corruption is currently the focus of attention among both Ukrainian citizens and foreign states.
Ukrainian Government has to restore citizens’ trust that Ukraine can work normally. It is also necessary to demonstrate actual results of this activity in order for donors, who are currently helping Ukraine, to believe in effectiveness of work in this sector.

“The purpose of this Memorandum is to unite different Ukrainian institutions and grant them access to information that will promote effective counteraction to negative occurrences”, - stated Jan Tombinski.

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